.. _provider-overriding: Provider overriding =================== .. meta:: :keywords: Python,DI,Dependency injection,IoC,Inversion of Control,Override,Test,Unit :description: This page demonstrates how to implement providers overriding. This helps in testing and configuring the system for the multiple environments. .. currentmodule:: dependency_injector.providers You can override any provider with another provider. When provider is overridden it calls to the overriding provider instead of providing the object by its own. This helps in testing. This also helps in overriding API clients with stubs for the development or staging environment. To override a provider you need to call the ``Provider.override()`` method. This method receives a single argument called ``overriding``. If the ``overriding`` value is a provider, this provider is called instead of the original. If value is not a provider, this value is returned instead of calling the original provider. .. image:: images/overriding.png :width: 80% :align: center .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/providers/overriding.py :language: python :lines: 3- You can override a provider multiple times. In that case the latest ``overriding`` value will be used. The rest of the overriding values will form a stack. To reset an overriding you can use the ``Provider.reset_override()`` or ``Provider.reset_last_overriding()`` methods. You can use a context manager for overriding a provider ``with Provider.override():``. The overriding will be reset when context closed. .. disqus::