Factory of Factories pattern ============================ This example demonstrates "Factory of Factories" pattern. The idea of the pattern is in creating a ``Factory`` that creates another ``Factory`` and adds additional arguments. .. code-block:: python base_factory = providers.Factory( providers.Factory SomeClass, base_argument=1, ) concrete_factory = providers.Factory( OtherClass, instance=base_factory(extra_argument=1), ) if __name__ == "__main__": instance = concrete_factory() # Same as: # instance = SomeClass(base_argument=1, extra_argument=2) Sample code ----------- Listing of the pattern example: .. literalinclude:: ../../examples/miniapps/factory-patterns/factory_of_factories.py :language: python Arguments priority ------------------ Passing of the arguments works the same way like for any other :ref:`factory-provider`. .. code-block:: python # 1. Keyword arguments of upper level factory are added to lower level factory factory_of_dict_factories = providers.Factory( providers.Factory, dict, arg1=1, ) dict_factory = factory_of_dict_factories(arg2=2) print(dict_factory()) # prints: {"arg1": 1, "arg2": 2} # 2. Keyword arguments of upper level factory have priority factory_of_dict_factories = providers.Factory( providers.Factory, dict, arg1=1, ) dict_factory = factory_of_dict_factories(arg1=2) print(dict_factory()) # prints: {"arg1": 2} # 3. Keyword arguments provided from context have the most priority factory_of_dict_factories = providers.Factory( providers.Factory, dict, arg1=1, ) dict_factory = factory_of_dict_factories(arg1=2) print(dict_factory(arg1=3)) # prints: {"arg1": 3} Credits ------- The "Factory of Factories" pattern was suggested by the ``Dependency Injector`` users. .. disqus::